RCM Blog

Our team of experts at HPA

96372 CPT Code Reimbursement

What can be the possible reason for the rejection of your charge for a specific CPT injection code? Considering this scenario: One charge for a specific CPT injection code was denied or rejected. That is a relatively regular event. Wouldn’t it be disappointing, especially if one didn’t know why it was turned down? So, what’s […]
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Medical Biller using calculator

What is Medical Billing and Coding?

What is Medical Billing and Medical Coding? Medical billing and coding are submitting and tracking medical claims with insurance companies. It is a critical process in the healthcare industry because it helps to ensure that patients receive the correct reimbursement for their healthcare services.  Medical billing and coding professionals ensure that all claims are accurately […]
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Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

What is Revenue Cycle Management, and why does it matter?

The term “revenue cycle management” describes several different activities. Still, all of these activities have one common goal: to improve the medical practices performance. RCM can help medical practices improve their collections rates, reduce patient financial liability and increase the accuracy of their billing. What is Revenue Cycle Management? Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is a […]
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